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As 2019 Gets Underway....................

Elections/Conference/Rides 2019

As 2019 gets underway it is time to turn our EDRA thoughts to the annual conference and elections. The membership needs to elect a new President and VP team, 8 Board of Directors positions and the 3 member Conflict Resolution Committee.  I have attached job descriptions for the President and Vice President. I would direct you to the By Laws for Conflict Resolution Committee (Section 2.10) and Section 3 for the Board of Directors.  Additional information regarding EDRA Officers is found in section 4 of the By Laws.  The By Laws are posted on the website. Go to the “About” button, scroll down to the lower right for the By Laws button.

The following EDRA people have indicated an intent to run for 2019 positions:

Pres/VP: Terry James and Jo Weinstein

Statement of Intent: Terry James

My name is Terry James and I have teamed with Jo Weinstein to run for President and Vice President of EDRA for 2019. Some of you know me, but not everyone does.  In light of that, I will give a brief history.  

I have owned and operated McElvain Dental Laboratory since 1990 and have been a dental technician since in 1982.  It seems as though I’ve always wanted to improve and get better at everything that caught my interest. It started with model car kits, and progressed to driving race cars at the age of sixteen. I loved biking, so when I moved to the Northwest, I had to try mountain bike racing. 

Then my wife Julie entered the picture. One of the first things that she made known was that there would be horses in our future.  You see the result of that statement.  My interest in horses—and my interest in getting better and improving my performance–was re-kindled. I had worked my way through college at my university’s equestrian center so this was a logical progression.  We moved to Colville in 2007 and then got involved in distance racing in 2013. Julie did a few races that year and then I did my first 25 miler at Jubilee.  Things changed for us one day while she was at our local Walmart.  She saw someone that she thought that she recognized from the rides.  Although it was out of character for her, she walked up to her and asked, “Are you Sue Summers?”  Indeed it was Sue, and that introduction started us on this exciting journey we have been on. 

Fast forward to the present day. When EDRA was in its beginning stages, I enthusiastically supported its formation, and both Julie and I became founding members. I’ve decided to run for President because I believe the organization is one that is founded on solid principles, and yet constantly strives for improvement and innovation.   I hope to contribute to the growth and improvement of EDRA through serving as President. 

Statement of Intent: Jo Weinstein

The 2019 ride season is right around the corner. With this said, I am excited to have the opportunity to announce my intent to run for the position of vice president of EDRA.

In 2015 I was just returning to the Pacific Northwest endurance family after a 10 year hiatus. I felt like a newbie all over again but much older. I was introduced to my first EDRA ride at Grizzly in 2017. I had my virgin logbook and finished my first Mettle relay with my new friend Tom Dean. 

My initial goals for the upcoming year are to initiate and develop a standardized Steward’s talk and ride meeting talk. In addition I’d like to introduce Friday night talking points to focus on any EDRA updates that would be helpful to share with riders, veterinarians, and volunteers. I find it rewarding watching EDRA evolve as an endurance club that smartly promotes the growth of the sport that I am passionate about. 

Thank you for your time- Batman and I will hopefully see you on the trail.

Joint Statement: Terry James and Jo Weinstein

Jo and I sat down to discuss what we could bring to EDRA as a team. We agreed to advocate and oversee the maturation of the foundations that set EDRA apart. These foundations encompass the

Mettle relay, the Mentor program, the Steward program, and the Education program. Most paramount is a safe, fun, friendly, and fair competition as our Mission Statement reflects.

Looking forward to the 2019 ride season!

Conflict Resolution:  Chair Rusty Toth and members Siri Olson and Becky Osbourne

Youth BOD Position:  Georgia Glidden, Jasmine Jacobson

Past President BOD position will be filled by Kathleen Ferguson

Adult BOD Positions (5 must be elected)Sue Summers, Sandy Cheek, Julie Barnfather, Margie Thorngren, Lois Fox, Cortney Honan.


For your information the EDRA Appointed Positions include:

  1. Drug Testing Program – Carol Giles
    1. Stewards Program – Tom Dean

                                               i.     Annual training meeting

                                             ii.     Drug protocol training

                                            iii.     Maintain qualified pool of stewards

                                            iv.     Recruit/assign Steward to rides

                                             v.     Ensure drug test kit is delivered to selected ride(s)

                                            vi.     Review, maintenance, and summary of Steward Manual

  • Mentors Program – Jenn Kaplan (stepping down effective 3/16/19)Lois Fox stepping up 
    • Service Program – Erin Putnam
    • Education Program – Robin Leigh Burns

                                               i.     Pre-Ride Clinics – Dennis Summers

                                             ii.     Nuggets – Dennis Summer

                                            iii.     Youth – Stevie Jacobson

  • Equipment Trailer Program – Guy Cheek

                                               i.     Oversee equipment and trailer inventory and maintenance

                                             ii.     Schedule for rides and assist identifying logistics of moving 

  • Safety Committee – Sophia McKee

                                               i.     Social Media

                                             ii.     Crisis Response

                                            iii.     Concussion Protocol – Carol Giles 

                                            iv.     Safe Sport – Carol Giles

  • Awards Program – Sue McLain 
    • IT Committee – Sue Summers

                                               i.     Arranges Board conference calls

                                             ii.     Membership (records)

                                            iii.     Logbooks

                                            iv.     Ride results

                                             v.     Welcome and thank you renewal letters

  • Treasury – Tiffany Buob

                                               i.     Anna and Mary Memorial Youth Fund – Sue McLain

                                             ii.     Membership (financials)

  • Secretary – Sandy Cheek

                                               i.     Board of Director Minutes

                                             ii.     Corporation’s records (e.g., official files of rules, bylaws, program descriptions)

                                            iii.     Follow-up on non-renewing members

  • Elections Committee – TBA
    • Franchise Committee — TBA
    • Annual Conference Committee – Kathleen Ferguson

                                               i.     Awards procurement – Lois Fox

                                             ii.     Banquet – Sandy Cheek

                                            iii.     Speakers  and Facilities– Kathleen Ferguson

  • Facebook Administrator – Shannon Peckham 

Contact these chairpersons if you wish to volunteer in their area.

Get Ready to Start Ready Conference

The Conference is themed “Get Ready Safety First!” this year and is March 15-16that the Grant County Fairgrounds in Moses Lake.  The lesson format with Celena Pentrack and Robin Ryner is a single 2 hour small group lesson focused on desensitizing our horses to obstacles encountered on the trail.  We will all also participate by operating obstacles during lessons times as well. I think we can learn a lot from watching other people’s horses and listening to the suggestions instructors have for them.  There are three lesson times Friday and three Saturday starting at 10am.  Be sure to stipulate arrival time so I can schedule your lesson.  We also have a saddle fitter so bring all your saddles to check (Stonewall Saddles), 2 body work practitioners (private payment) and a connected riding instructor available by appointment – we will sign-up for these appointments after arriving at the fairgrounds.  American Trail Gear and Siiri Hats will be on campus for shopping!  Equine rescue demos in morning and afternoon Saturday. Helmet Education packets handed out at check-in.  Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health is providing an experienced veterinarian, Dr. Cheramie, to scope horses for ulcers and offer a care plan for your horse. You will sign-up for appointments after registration because I have to schedule you into classes first. Tentative cost will be $100.  Dr. Cheramie will also be a guest speaker at the Banquet Saturday night.

The Conference also includes meeting times for the membership Friday night and Saturday morning for a report on 2018 and time for membership input for 2019.  We have some important discussions items on the agenda, so I hope you all make a big effort to at the AGM (annual general meeting). Don’t forget the Annual Awards Banquet MC’d by the Beet Pulp Lucky Girl=Margie Thorngren!  We will wrap up the night with Karaoke in fine EDRA tradition!

Early arrivals can check into stalls and camping on Thursday the 14thbeginning at 1pm.

I have attached an informational sheet with fees included.  The Fairgrounds raised their prices so it is a little more than last year. I think you will feel like you got your money’s worth by the end of the weekend!

I look forward to seeing you all at rides this season.  I may miss my first EDRA ride in two years because we are moving the horses, dogs and me to Goldendale, WA to our new retirement place this spring.  I am very excited about my deluxe new barn and indoor arena! The horses will have 10 acres instead of 3 to run on every day.  And I get a tractor!  Oh…yea…there’s a nice house.  Trout Lake 100 will be in my backyard and I am training with the EDRA team to take it over as the EDRA ride manager.  Terry James and friends will take over Ride the Loup!  so maybe I will get to ride it! We start the spring off with a bang at Gail William’s new ride, Don’t Fence Me In near Odessa.  Grizzly Mountain is a nice early challenge.  Coyote Ridge is my favorite spring ride because the wild flowers are fantastic. Want to have an adventure and ride out of the area?  Head over to Helena and Blue Cloud –it is an easy drive on freeway and state highways –beautiful ride –worth the trip! Sand Canyon and Renegade will give your horse a challenge in the NW mountains!  You get 3 days of riding from one trip if you head down to the new 3 Peat Ride at the end of May –I am going to try to take advantage of that!  Honor Anna and Mary at the Memorial ride in October and maybe take on the challenge of a 75 or 100 mile ride!  Or have a REALLY BIG adventure and travel down to the Scottsdale Remarkable 100 in December—lots of EDRA folks have gone down and can give you trip advice. Our NW ride schedule is filled with fun and beautiful scenery as well as great ride managers and friends to ride with out on the trails.

It has been an honor to be on the team that guided the formation of EDRA in 2016.  If my dining table could talk….many, many hours of meetings took place in my dining porch looking out at Whiskey and Monkey while Sandy Cheek, Julie James, Sue Summers and I hashed out details and emailed and called founders for advice.  We are extremely proud of the organization that EDRA has become, the generous volunteering of EDRA membership, and the fulfillment of the Mission Statement we wrote at my dining table.

The mission of the Equine Distance Riding Association is to promote, at all levels and to all members, safe, competitive equine distance riding events and experiences. EDRA boundaries include the continental US and Canada. Lifetime miles of equine and rider will be compiled for EDRA sanctioned events within these boundaries. Central to EDRA’s mission is a robust mentoring program that supports the development of equines, riders and ride managers to their maximum capabilities while protecting horse and rider. Fun, friendly, and fair competition in a learning environment is our goal.”

My reward has been the deep friendships I have formed due to EDRA. I encourage you to volunteer –the friendships and memories formed by working with others lasts a lifetime. Now it is time to turn the reins over to a new leader.  I am confident the new P/VP team will bring new ideas and energy to EDRA in 2019.  I am very excited to see how EDRA grows in the near future! 

Giddy Up,

Kathleen Ferguson, EDRA President

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