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By: Julie James

Are you confused or intimidated by EDRA’s logbook?  You do not need to be.  The intent for logbooks is to provide a benefit to you.  It is a central place where you can record your horse’s performance and your performance in distance rides.

Did you have a particularly fabulous ride?  You can make notes in your logbook of what you did and what your horse did that day so you will have the information to repeat the performance.

Did your horse get tired?  Were you able to ride your own ride, or did you allow yourself to get pulled along by a horse going faster than was comfortable for your horse?  What was different on this ride compared to any others?  Was there a time when you were riding alone perhaps and your horse lost motivation?  How often did you give your horse electrolytes?  What did you do to prepare your horse for this ride?  Did you get tired?  What did you do to prepare yourself for this ride?  Did you adequately eat and drink during the ride?

You can address all of these questions and issues in your logbook.  Your logbook is like a diary—it has your history and your horse’s history in one central place where you can review it to either repeat the successful strategy and behavior you did last time or avoid unsuccessful strategy or behavior that previously did not work.

If your horse is pulled from competition for lameness or metabolic issues, making a note in your logbook can assist you and the ride veterinarian with creating a treatment plan and strategy for the next ride.  Did your horse consume too much spring grass?  Were you unable to adequately condition your horse for this ride?  Should you draw blood to see if your horse is too high or too low in some area?  The information you put into your logbook can help determine what to do moving forward.

To get a logbook, click this link or go to the EDRA website and under the Join tab click the drop-down horse registration tab.  Fill out the information for your horse and include a side view picture of your horse then submit that form.  Currently, Holly Haddenham has volunteered to make the logbooks and will get it to you.

EDRA logbooks are intended to be a benefit to you and your equine AND registering your horse is the only way to be included in year end and lifetime awards..  Making meaningful notes and comments in it will help you to start ready and finish proud!

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